You can usually rely on the TV show Loose Women for a controversial quote, just as you can rely on the Daily Mail comment section for some horrific opinions - that they are totally entitled to no matter how damaging! Free speech and all that. Yesterday Judy Finnegan made her Loose Women debut and during a discussion about Ched Evans made the kind of comments that might best have been preceded with the popular but senseless phrase "to be fair" (to alert you to unfairness) and perhaps "I'm not a rapist, but..." (to alert you to a comment that supports rape). On a show about women, for women Finnegan joined in the throng of people who question what the victim of a rape was thinking, rather than the rapist.
Sue's son has moved out. Now she should have lots of time to dedicate to studying but not before a quick holiday... Recently I helped my son and his girlfriend move house, an exhausting all day affair, lifting and carrying numerous sized boxes and bags - all of which demonstrated various stages of suitability for the task expected of them. Some pieces of furniture were walked to the new abode whilst others were taken in my car, the piece de resistance being the bed. The divan, in two pieces, was stacked one on top of the other in the boot so that the tailgate couldn't be closed and I could see absolutely zip in my rear view mirror. It is happening again. It's the news all those kids who just discovered the 90s have been waiting for. This week David Lynch announced with a tweet and underwhelming teaser video that Twin Peaks is set to return in 2016, just as Laura Palmer predicted, having told Cooper she'd see him again in 25 years. The Squeamish team are big fans of Twin Peaks - though some of us sensibly avoided the second series - and Diane, here are some ideas we'd like to put forward about what's been happening in Twin Peaks... hypothetical spoiler alert! Yesterday something cracked me up. The historian Amanda Vickery tweeted an article on Stylist magazine about celebrity bottoms and how they wished the women in pop would pop their bottoms away, especially people such as Jennifer Lopez who recently released a song about the female bottom with Iggy Azalea: "Now, we're not saying that every pop song should tackle the gender pay gap... but you would be forgiven for thinking that in 2014 our leading female pop stars might have associated themselves with a creative enterprise that's a little more, well... worthy of them." It's a funny article, but it struck me that it is not the nudity female pop singers increasingly seem to feel is required that is the problem. It is the fact that female pop singers and/or their lyric writers don't know how to sing about sex from any other perspective than a heterosexual cis man. Girls, girls, girls. Why can't you just get on? All this bitchery and slagging off and cattiness? Where oh where do you get it from? It must be instinctive. Maybe cave women scratched each others eyes out and yanked out rival women's knotty hair. By the way did you hear about this Essex girl who said she was too pretty for online dating? Here's an incredibly unflattering photo of her that she probably did not use on her dating profile. No comment riiiiiiiight?! Who knew the Daily Mail needed a new Samantha Brick? And while we are discussing women who have the audacity to announce they reckon they are a bit alright have you seen that Karen Danczuk? The wife of a Labour MP who takes rather bosomy selfies and is also a Labour councillor but that's not for here. Shocking. I don't know who these women think they are. Having kind of based my writing schtick on being single and pointing out how everything seems to be designed for the smug marrieds and/or family it is probably unsurprising that I am awkward about being someone's fiancee. After nine months of not mentioning I have a boyfriend to people, I have now spent a month not mentioning I have a fiance to people. Having discussed my dislike for such terms as 'fiance/fiancee' however accurate they may be with my...fiancé (we worked on a project together once so I'm toying with the term 'collaborator' or 'my betrothed') who sensibly refers to me as his fiancee, I discovered there are many women out there who cringe at titles such as Mrs, wife and fiancee. According to journalist Nona Willis Aronowitz she and a number of other married women use a "marital code-switch". Beyonce knows it, Taylor Swift didn't know it but now does know it, Lily Allen knows it and Emma Watson knows it. Feminism sells. This is either the trickle down effect of the Destiny's Child song Independent Woman or everyone is realising feminism makes a lot of sense. Or it is the trickle down effect of Independent Woman and advertisers have realised that a lot of women bought the shoes on their feet, as well as the clothes they're wearing and the rocks they're rocking. This is a market that encourages women to think they can buy strength in a shampoo bottle and now even Chanel is getting in on the act sending their models down the catwalk with faux feminist placards. The question is not what you can do for feminism but what feminism can sell to you... I have always been a big fan of Annie Lennox but she's walking on broken glass with this one and got me asking Why? (see, big fan). The singer, song writer, activist and humanitarian ambassador has called Beyonce's brand of feminism "feminism lite". While out promoting her new album Nostalgia Lennox said of Beyonce's feminism: "It's tokenistic to me. I mean, I think she's a phenomenal artist - I just love her performances - but I'd like to sit down (with her). I think I'd like to sit down with quite a few artists and talk to them. I'd like to listen to them; I'd like to hear what they truly think." Talking to PrideSource Lennox also said that feminism "continues to be reframed". Why when it comes to Beyonce's relationship with feminism are many feminists so sceptical? |
February 2015