We know that it is this cocooning that kills movements. We see it now with the (high) Church who did not venture out (they didn't learn their lesson from Sister Act. Or Sister Act 2. Brothers and sisters does there need to be a Sister Act 3 before you respond? Because I can see Whoopi and Maggie signing up but not Lauryn Hill). The entire point of gathering with others who share your beliefs or convictions is to work out your preaching strategy.
It seems logical to me that the more diverse your movement the more successful it is going to be, not fractured. The idea is world domination - or uh, people of the world uniting as one. Against something else. Maybe coriander because I hate that plant.
When men review feminist texts, blogs or blogs made into books for a quick buck on the feminist zeitgeist (we await publisher's rabid interest) and don't immediately dismiss them we should look at what they have to say and what they have misunderstood because they haven't had to deal with such things in order to strengthen our argument. This should be seen as ammunition. | to disqualify Aaronovitch's views for being male is to disqualify the feminist plight |
At points Aaronovitch's review does veer into 'not all men' territory, it seems his understanding is that women's magazines to be totally geared towards pleasing men rather than competing with women. I agree with GlossWitch that it is frustrating to read passages such as: "Men don't buy or read these publications and certainly don't insist their wives, daughters, sisters or girl-friends do. The woman is a victim of the magazine that she herself chooses. If these are as damaging as Baxter and Cosslett say they are, then why don't women buy something else?"
However to disqualify Aaronovitch's views for being male is to disqualify the feminist plight, as Kate Maltby writes in the Telegraph: "It perpetuates the one fiction that feminism seeks to dismantle: that gender is destiny."
Space. We have to make space for everyone while allowing all women to lead the feminist debate. And we must remember that the feminist dream is not to simply flip the system, but to trans-freakin-cend it.
Squeamish Kate