For those who are white, financially stable and slim a small battle has been won for you. This is good. But rather like eccentricity is only for rich people, age might be reserved for white influential people. So it's good for someone like me who is cis, middle class and white but what does it mean for other women? What are their options when they look to advertising?
Well you could try being dead and leaving a good looking corpse. Turn on the TV (or sit through the adverts on 4OD and Demand5 et al instead of checking your Facebook) and you will spot Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe still shilling for various companies. | Who knew taxes remained a certainty after death and that some famous women seemingly have to carry on working long after their punctuality has waned. |
In spite of death making abled it also makes them the ultimate fashion icon. Ageless, they say what you want them to say and they will never go off message. Unless they have a troublesome family who question the morality of reanimating their dead relative to sell chocolate or perfume that in life they never mentioned.
Which is where the importance of using older women comes back in. While a dead woman or young woman are thought of as more attractive to use because they are perhaps more malleable and more likely to have active Instagram and Twitter accounts (yes) an older woman is a risk not just because we worship youth but because this creates a presence for older women who speak out and don't take shit. And that includes the myth they can only buy clothes from M&S.
Squeamish Kate