Several newspapers have lifted quotes from this interview detailing Dockery’s mourning the loss of chivalry, when asked about how the role of women had changed since the First World War.
“I can travel where I like, I can have a baby when I like, I can do any job I want – but I do think chivalry has been lost a little bit.”
Politeness is something we should all strive towards, everyone should mind their Ps and Qs. If someone is ahead of me I expect them to open the door for me. If I am ahead of someone I will hold the door open for them.
As Dockery acknowledges in this day and age she has the right (although these things are yet to go uncommented upon) to do any job she wants, have a child in or out of wedlock and travel. Chivalry does not compliment such modern headiness. Chivalry is under the impression women never mentally develop further than a delicate 7 year old and I’m pretty sure a 7 year old could teach me some sweet swears. This is why it was at its height when a woman had to have a husband if she was to survive.
Long live equal opportunity politeness instead.
Squeamish Kate