I should tell you she no longer dismisses the old P's & Q's. Nor is she much of a pushover. She is an intelligent, adult woman who makes good decisions and works hard. Well, hardish. Look she's a normal woman who I love and respect and unfortunately seems to have fallen foul of the apparently female habit of over-apologising.
The workshop consisted of eye contact (gah!) elbow touching (eeks!) and saying "No, I'm not going to do that" to each other. I attended a similar workshop at the Feminist Fightback held event The S Word, a day for feminist conversation about sex and relationships education. The workshop I attended was specifically about consent. In it we had to refuse our parter's pleas to hold our hands. I wrote about it for XOJane and noted how I had been completely comfortable saying no, along with the men in the group. The other women in the group said they had found the only way saying no could feel comfortable was if they had been able to say "sorry."
Perhaps this is down to my surly nature - which no doubt my apologising friend feels she should balance out. However there is one subject on which I too struggle to say "no" and find myself sorrying for no good reason other than perhaps to prompt the offending person to into apologising themselves. And this is when it comes to money. | from this day forth until the end of the year you work for free! YAY! |
According to the Guardian's Women in Leadership section: "...women working full time earn £5,000 less a year than their male colleagues, or that in their lifetime men receive nearly £150,000 extra in bonuses." It frequently comes up that women don't get equal pay simply because they don't hold out for the salary their fellow male co-workers insist upon. It appears it could simply be down to don't ask, don't get. But we are sorry, but after a lifetime of being told I want doesn't get it is hard to make the unapologetic switch.
So women, this Equal Pay Day let's not apologise, instead let's go Geldof and yell: "Give us your fucking money!" (Although, sorry, apparently he never saidthat, sorry)
Squeamish Kate