It is very hard, when nobody lives in a meritocracy, to decide how something like the Sky Women in Film and TV Awards should work. I think it is fair to say that whilst Wood and fellow winner Jo Brand deserve all the awards and praise that can be showered upon them, however, do they need it?
Sky Women in Film and TV Awards do have a new talent award. This year it went to the rather awe-inspiring (check out her Wikipedia page) Maggie Aderin-Pocock, BBC Science presenter. However, as with women only lists, I have trouble with awards designed for newcomers. Are the winners the best in their field or not? How much of a body of work do you need before you move on from Newcomer status?
What do you think? Should these women only awards be skewed towards helping those new to the profession or recognition of those who have already found success?
And overall it does seem like Stephen Fry wins and presents everything.
The winners at the Sky Women in Film and TV Awards and included:
The BBC News And Factual Award - Sue Perkins
The Envy Producer Award - Andrea Calderwood
The Eon Productions Lifetime Achievement Award - Victoria Wood
The ITV Achievement Of The Year Award - Alex Crawford, Sara Sidner and Zeina Khodr
The Littlestar Contribution To The Medium Award - Janice Hadlow
The MAC Best Performance Award - Emily Watson
The Skillset Inspirational Woman Award - Anna Scher
The Technicolor Writing Award - Joanna Scanlan, Vicki Pepperdine and Jo Brand.
Squeamish Kate