Oh yes, early 90s grunge is back to stomp all over any dreams of the 21st century fashion being space agey, in tatty DM boots. Teenagers are mining through the strata of eyeliner and matte lipstick to find some gems from this time – oh hey, you ever heard of this great old band The Smashing Pumpkins?
In the spirit of Riot Grrrl's refusal to sit back and accept things the way they are, Bikini Kill are no longer on the Kill Rock Stars label. Kathleen Hanna told AV Club that “Kill Rock Stars already had everything. They had been our label since we started... we had really good friendships with the guy who started the label. But as the years progressed...we just didn’t know anybody at the label anymore. They don’t put ads anywhere if they know you’re not going to be playing any time soon. So we just decided that it was time to make the move and start our own record label.”
Hanna notes the '90s revival has caused an influx of e-mails from teenagers just discovering Bikini Kill and cursing their bad luck of being conceived around the same time Riot Grrrl was just getting started. When these teens tell Hanna they want to kick start a Riot Grrrl revival in their home towns the advice she gives them is: “Don’t revive it, make something better.” | “Don’t revive it, make something better.” |
I think it's interesting that after over a decade of allowing first the Spice Girls, X Factor and then Rhianna to represent Girlhood, today's teenage girls are realising the plain fact: we was robbed! They are listening to iTunes playlists and saying Eff. That. Noise. (Girls, watch your language!)
If you don't find the idea of girls being portrayed as vacuous humans interested only in diamonds, reality TV and politely laughing at rape jokes vomitous then you must be Simon Cowell. Are you Simon Cowell? Hi! Girls are telling us these manufactured bands and solo artists will not suffice, they're not enough. You know what Tumblr and Pinterest prove? People love a good project – not slick end products - and Riot Grrrl was a project on a giant and ramshackle proportion.
It is exciting to see the Riot Grrrl precedent taking root in projects such as Pussy Riot (never forget at the root of all of this is the desire for freedom), Slut Walk and blogs. I believe these people who are too young to have been a Riot Grrrl are taking Hanna's advice, taking it and making it better. Particularly as it gains momentum alongside (or rather, against) the Lad revival, shouting down the bile it expels and excuses as 'banter'. All the while young women, inspired by the Riot Grrrl movement, are calling out the inequalities in feminism and recognising the necessity of allies and intersectionality. Maybe 2013 will be the year that all we have to decide upon is a new name for this movement. Not Riot Womaaarrrghn please.
Squeamish Kate
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