This is a huge problem. Part of why it is such a huge problem is finding the most advantageous way to solve it. Turning to these women and saying 'if you can't hack it, get out' is one solution. But is it the right solution? Do you want your MP to be in it for the adrenalin rush of shouting 'AH' in a smug way when someone has to admit they made a mistake? No. Not really, or I don't.
Perhaps we should tell all these women MPs they are so pretty and then they'd feel totally better about themselves. I mean, it's like Beyonce says, "what is pretty?" But Bey also sings that pretty hurts. | Do we need to readdress MPs' sexism or address sexism? |
Well, I fear it's a little more deep seated than that. Does that mean we need to entirely readdress parliamentary etiquette? With less shouting. Weren't we supposed to get rid of that Punch and Judy style ages ago?
Sarah Champion, Labour MP for Rotherham commented that: "Anything that people can use as a tool to put people off their stride, they will do, whether that's your weight, which team you support, your gender, or your sexuality, you'll hear those comments."
Do we need to readdress MPs' sexism or address sexism? The answer might be the latter. We know that currently that members of the Commons are hardly leaders in changing attitudes for the better. We need to be clear as self-identifying women that the problem is not about how we look. It's about how we are regarded. We need to be clear that we, the voters, find sexism unacceptable. And if anybody can shout someone's us.
Squeamish Kate