Pictures of her daughter Lourdes watching her mum dance have been featured in the tabloids who insist the 15 year old looks embarrassed. To me, Lourdes just looks plain bored. It has taken me some years to overcome the crushing feeling of constant embarrassment, if anything Madonna has done her children a favour and after 15 years on this planet I suspect Lourdes is inured to humiliation.
But my favourite, my absolute can’t-wait-to-be-old woman today has got to be Baroness Trumpington.
Oftentimes I have considered entering politics. Partly out of frustration but mostly because after all that work, all that campaigning, the sheer joy of standing up in PMQs and rambunctiously swearing at whoever was clearly procuring policies from their backside would quite simply make my life. I’d possibly resign shortly afterwards, not just because of scandal or lure of lucrative book deals but because once you’ve achieved your life purpose what do you do? Accomplished pottering around until death I reckon.
Now Baroness Trumpington has given the 2 fingered salute to the former Tory defence minister Lord King, I believe she’s due a little accomplished pottering around.
This should be the joy of getting older, caring less about what people think and doing your own thing.
I am not suggesting the over 40 give everyone the V sign willy-nilly, but I am applauding those who refuse to sit back. All those women who refuse to turn invisible are not just doing themselves a favour but providing an example for the younger generation.
Growing up, growing old, doesn’t mean you stop doing what you love. So, older women, keep on keeping on. There’s got to be more to middle age than wearing purple.
‘Cos I effing hate that colour.
Squeamish Kate