Partly by the crowd all leaping forward in competitive recognition of the song, partly by my own pushing. When you're in a mosh pit you can't go back. Forward not back.
I got sweat soaked, greasy boy hair in my mouth, I got a beer poured over me, I got shoved, I got kicked. I Shoved, I kicked, I flicked my sweat soaked, greasy girl hair about. I yelled, I sang, I loved it.
I should tell you why I am writing this. I think girls need to come in to the mosh pit. The mosh pit real and the metaphorical mosh pit. Don't think Frankie in Skins when she rather unconvincingly discovers a taste for blood and concerns her wannabe lover – though not her Dads with her fighting. Because getting into the mosh pit is not about the discomfort, it is the mildly violent group version of Dylan Moran's 'This song is all about ME'
This naturally brings us to riot grrrl's demand, girls to the front. It is important to realise this is not in recognition of women's physical delicacy. It is about space. When women go into the mosh pit of the gig or the mosh pit of, uh, life it is demanding space. Commanding space. | Other artists whose partner's met tragic ends remain ever portrayed as the weeping widow |
Whatever you say about Courtney Love (sticking with that Nirvana theme) she got to the front. Other artists whose partner's met tragic ends remain ever portrayed as the weeping widow, particularly those with a babe in arms - think of Michelle Williams. But that was never going to happen to Love. Whether verbally annotating her dead husband's suicide note in a tape for his fans: "He's such an ass, I want you all to say 'ass' really loud" or releasing music that's all kind of a big ugly crying you don't ever read an interview or article that begin's "Cobain's widow..."
You know why? Yeah maybe because she is not totes lovely but also because she demanded her space. Although she did once punch Kathleen Hanna in the face. Kim Gordon sorted it.
Demand your space. Girls to the front.
Squeamish Kate