OK it's not called that. Which is missing a trick I can tell you Mr Buchanan. Every opportunity I ever get I vote for The Monster Raving Loony party (I've never had that opportunity), if Man Party were an option I'd dither I can tell you.
Yes, by November 2011 124 SureStart Centres had closed, only 1 in 5 members of Parliament are women and due to austerity measures refuge centres are turning 100s away a day. Award winning Harpy (AFL has a Harpy award) Harriet Harman (look at that name, Harman, very clear where that comes from. Harm MAN. Or Ham man) must be rubbing her talons together with glee. Her feminist agenda is on schedule.
I could go on with some more statistics to demonstrate how the coalition is not working to some feminist agenda. I am aware of the statistics that show how men and boys are struggling due to cuts. I think both sets of statistics are worthy of our time. This Masculipity is insulting to the sexes. It's not a competition of who is the more downtrodden, far better to recognise in the Western world the perils of class, ageism and racism. | This Masculipity is insulting to the sexes. It's not a competition of who is the more downtrodden |
The league has our number, that's for sure “[feminist] arguments are the products of conspiracy theories, fantasies, lies, delusions and myths. That’s their weakness. Our arguments will continue to be the products of honest observation, independent research, and compassionate attitudes.”
The new party has the interest of Quentin Letts who mentioned it in his column with the assurance that leader “Mr Buchanan is not some fruitcake of the Monster Raving Loony party ilk.” Letts also mentions one of the desires of anti-tokenism Buchanan is for people to be appointed to jobs for their skills rather than gender. A desire he shares with the majority of feminists, certainly that's my wish. A womanly high five to you, sir.
Buoyed up with the backing of the ever influential Daily Mail writer Quentin Letts (I wish that was a joke) Buchanan is confident about his cause: “Militant feminism will in time become widely recognised as the scourge on humanity that it’s always been. We’re going to do all we can to make that happen.”
I want you to know though, guys, that at the very core (or it's on their banner anyway) of the Anti Feminism League is the quote: “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi I've got another quote they might like to consider: “Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering.” Yoda.
Squeamish Kate