Elinor Block of Stylist magazine wrote about the new Facebook group and Tumblr Women Who Eat on Tubes and she wasn't impressed. "Women of London, it's time to acknowledge the fact that we are revolting commuters. That's right, if you get the Tube and have a vagina, you're exposing your fellow commuters to a disgusting display of behaviour...But what is it exactly that we're doing? Are we coughing without covering our faces? Perhaps we're emitting fumes of stale coffee and ash over our travelling companions? Or maybe, the worst commuter crime of all, it's because we're noisy breathers?...Actually, it's none of the above. In fact, it's that we've been caught eating en route."
Block noted that, while many groups and Tumblrs of this format are funny and popular there is a difference with this one because it is documenting women without their knowledge. Which sounds a bit creepy. Meanwhile on Huffpost...
Meanwhile on Huffpost Nathalie Gordon is all: "Ladies, I'm a feminist and I will actively fight our cause till my boobs hit the floor and I breathe my last breath through my Chanel lipstick but oh my goodness am I embarrassed by your behaviour lately." | It isn't about women, it's just called Women Who Eat on Trains because Women is the catch-all term for anthropological observation. |
Gordon, who tells us she had her pubic hair photographed as part of Project Bush so she must be pretty indulgent of feminist causes (though it's always iffy regarding whether or not pubes are a feminist issue), says the buck stops here and we should just laugh at Women Who Eat on Trains. Though she didn't see the humour in Lindy West's take down of time stealing film Love Actually.
You see WWEOT is OK because founder (that sounds a bit grand for a Facebook group but starter doesn't seem right) Tony Burke told Gordon that: "'[The group] was also intended as an observation of human behaviour... it isn't about women. The gender aspect is a random coincidence. It makes it more niche and adds to the group's popularity but there has never been gender agenda."
YOU GUYS this is a society project. It isn't about women, it's just called Women Who Eat on Trains because Women is the catch-all term for anthropological observation. RANDOM! Also eating is gendered. Only women eat. We know this. What else could they do? I mean really, chill and relax about how not only are women continually policed but also smirked at. And really, when you think about it...that is a joke.
Squeamish Kate