If it is a clever ruse, then Ikea Australia are the latest company to fall for it. Following in the footsteps of washing powder and cleaning product campaigns (it’s best not to get me started on these, so all women are mums, all men are too dumb to clean but men tell us all what product to use? ARGH) Ikea gives us Manland. A Four day experiment to celebrate Father’s Day, Ikea are now considering Manlands in every store.
What gets me is that men have as yet to say they find this offensive. Guys, your partner has a BEEPER to remind them to come and collect you! Either you’re going out with the ultimate in absent professor types or you’re so unbearable it’s plausible your girlfriend might be tempted to do a runner.
I also hate the image of women dragging their man to Ikea against their will, the nag. I had a boyfriend who, whenever I made the suggestion of where we might sit in a crowded pub, would say “yes boss” INEXPLICABLY! As if securing seats was the ultimate in pestering and GEEZE do I ever shut up?! In a world where I am being told I was a fool to ever think I could have it all I am pretty sure you can’t tick both the feminist male AND henpecked male box. We can, however, tick the ‘let’s just shop online’ box. Because you know what? I don’t particularly want to shop in Ikea either.
Squeamish Kate