2. An annual one for you. You should never leave it too late to take down your Christmas decorations. The 12 days of Christmas actually start on December 25th (depending on what denomination's calendar you use) so you have a deadline. It's easy to get caught up in the cosiness of the festive living room scene and feel like the room just isn't as homely without the coloured glow of the fairy lights. But pull it together. Don't destroy the magic of the fleeting season. There is nothing worse than a Christmas tree in March. Worst Seasonal hangover ever. Squeamish Nicola
3. Well while we're talking about babies and not leaving things too late, I feel I should mention that while the 'morning after pill' can be taken up to 3 or 5 days after you've had sex, it gets less effective the longer you wait. So if you're one of those strange women who doesn't want babies (or maybe you do, but not yet... wait no apparently that's not allowed, you should probably ignore this advice) and you have unprotected sex for whatever reason - get down to a pharmacy, GP or family planning clinic asap. Squeamish Louise
4. Oh, gosh, learning to freaking DRIVE. I just passed my driving test and sitting in the waiting room surrounded by nervous spotty teenagers anxious to become their friends' designated driver is very uncomfortable. Also those tortillas in your bread bin? Eat them! Or they will go mouldy. There's definitely a point where grimacing and insisting: "it's still good" gets dangerous. Squeamish Kate
5. This. Gareth