Squeamish Kate’s scared of flowers (they might come alive and eat her) so they’re out and Squeamish Louise and Gareth are just plain cursed when it comes to Valentine’s Day. In case you’re struggling for some inspiration here are some tips to either go with or avoid…
2. Feeling bitter? Hold a soiree for singles and talk over horror films about how great it is being single. Your abode will never be fuller.
3. In a couple? Why go out to boring restaurants like everyone else when there are so many other choices. Squeamish Louise will always remember Valentine's Day '07: "I don't usually celebrate it, but I got home from work to find my boyfriend on the sofa with yellowish clammy skin and shaking with pain. The taxi driver was all ‘ooh valentine's date! Where to?’ Me: ‘the hospital.’ Still, we'll never forget that evening in A&E. And even though we still don't celebrate the holiday, every year since has been more romantic just by not being in hospital/ hooked up to a drip! Who needs chocolates?!"
4. Determined to get a present for that special someone to show you Really Care? If you have an ounce of Welsh heritage I suggest you get whittling and make a Welsh Love Spoon. They have been a Valentine’s tradition for 100s of years. A Welsh boy would present the carved love spoon to his young lady, if she accepted it they would begin courting or ‘spooning’ which is apparently where the word comes from.
5. Don’t feel like moving from your laptop, but still enjoy taking lo-res photos of yourself holding witty/pithy signs? You can Occupy Valentine’s Day on this site and share it with people all over the world.