At Squeamish Bikini we find ourselves sighing over cassette tapes, fussing over the fact today’s teens don’t know the trick of using a pencil to wind the tape back.
Today’s Friday 5 is an indulgent wallow in nostalgia. A list of things today’s youth won’t know the joy of. A similar theme is no doubt trending somewhere on Twitter right now, along the cringing lines of #youknowyouroldwhen.
1. NEVER KNOW THE JOY of slamming down the telephone receiver after a telephonic heated debate. Pressing the hang up button really hard doesn't quite do it.
2. NEVER KNOW THE JOY of finding out the photos you took on holiday were actually what you wanted and you didn't have 24 over-exposed pictures of an over-exposed German man. Nor the joy of accidentally reloading a used film on camera, resulting in peculiar photos that featured people in summer wear dancing around a snowman. (TRUE STORY)
3. NEVER KNOW THE JOY of actually managing to record an entire song you love off the radio just before an advert or presenter butts in. Kids todays don't know how good they have it with iTunes/bit-torrent (not that we'd ever condone piracy).
4. NEVER KNOW THE JOY of finding a magazine/newspaper article that proved you were right and had won the stupid argument you'd had a month earlier, rather than just Googling it on a smartphone.
5. NEVER KNOW THE JOY of fixing a console game by blowing in it. Try that with a bluRay.
Squeamish Kate & Gareth