2. 50 Foot Queenie (Rid of Me EP) This is my favourite version of this track, I love the energetic drumming and the rough production. Or maybe it just appeals because I am short.
3. Long Snake Moan (To Bring You My Love 1995) From the album P J Harvey shed her hairy legged angry feminist persona with red lips and green eye shadow up to her brows. As a child this is how I thought I would do my make up every day. And I wasn’t far wrong.
4. The Last Living Rose (Let England Shake, 2011) It was a toss-up between this and Let England Shake from the album of the same title, but this has the lyrics ‘Goddamn Europeans’ so it wins.
5. Joe (Dry, 1992) I know it should be Sheela-na-gig or Dress (I hope no-one’s noticed I’ve actually snuck 8 tracks into the Friday 5) picked from Dry but Joe is a great song, turn it up, it’s worth bursting your eardrums for.
If you think we’ve grossly misrepresented P J Harvey here with our choices leave your 5 or just your favourite song in the comments.