2. I would like Iain Duncan Smith to start paying tax on all the spare rooms in his house or if that is too much of a burden for him maybe he could start renting them out and take up a second highly taxed job as a landlord. Squeamish Nicola
3. MPs cannot propose or vote in favour of punitive laws or benefit changes that won't affect them (or against laws that increase equality) unless they first manage to complete the Ninja Warrior assault cause. Gareth
4. Oh, good grief I'd ban that annoying fake laughing they all do in PMQs. Or, indeed, from making any noise other than proper utterances during PMQs. Although they may from now on high five. I'm not a monster. Squeamish Kate
5. I'd love to see an end to professional politicians - people who study politics at University, join the upper echelons of the Student Union, and then walk into parliamentary politics. I'm not anti specialisation, and I can see the value in having MPs with a deep understanding of politics, but how can you represent a cross-section of people if you have never lived outside of a very particular bubble? A requirement of at least 5 years doing something else, whether that's caring for someone, paid work, volunteering or bringing up a family might mean that we had a wider range of views. And being forced to spend some time in their recess (don't get me started on that) working or volunteering in their constituency might be a good idea too. Squeamish Louise