For this Friday 5, we have decided to make it festive. We have dug deep to recall a time when Christmas was a simple time of pants wetting excitement. Squeamish Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you our 5 favourite Nativity play parts…
2. Herod. Also a good part, congratulations if you got this, it probably means your teacher saw something inherently evil in you. Or you volunteered, as occasional contributor Glen did, “I got a cape which clearly made me far cooler than any of the other characters.” According to a recent poll of 1000 adults by Christian Research 16% of the men involved said they’d want to play Herod.
3. Mrs. Herod. Well it’s very likely there WAS a Mrs. Herod so why not pop her in the Nativity play? Squeamish Louise was lucky enough as a child to be part of a Nativity musical, though she can’t recall the name of it. My guess is ‘Nativity! The Musical’. “I played Mrs Herod and had a line that ended “and I’m ALWAYS right, aren’t I girls?” Afterwards one of my parents friends said my performance reminded him of Margaret Thatcher!”
4. Angel. Probably the fiddliest costume to make. Some parents really phone this one in and allow their angel on stage with a bit of tinsel wrapped round their head and coat hanger wings. No such festive abortion kit for my back. My mother’s handy with a pair of tights and wire, as Head Angel (after my Mary triumph I moved to a Catholic school and as a Baptist was, uh, barred from playing Our Lady) I had a proper halo and plausible wings.
5. Shepherd. This is a good part because the costume is your dressing gown and a tea towel, possibly a fake beard (a costume that oddly has the most verisimilitude of the whole play) and you get to be part of the Nativity tableau. It seems Squeamish Louise’s Nursery teachers created a sort of Nativity bar scene, “All I remember about my nursery’s nativity play was that they ended with everyone sat on stage (I think I was a shepherd or something), and had come up with the cunning idea of having bowls of crisps on the tables we sat round, so we just sat there and ate crisps.”
Squeamish Kate