When the theme for this week was sent out the expected response was one of cynicism. “I don't have a mantra and here's why...” But as it happens we are a bunch of mantra riddled mutterers with tried and tested go-to mantras. Who knew we were so darn mystical. So next time you see one of the Squeamish team wandering the streets and muttering to themselves worry not, they're probably just using their mantras.
2. As much as I'd like my mantra to be “In brightest day, in blackest night ...”, it is probably “Don't Panic”. There's only two kinds of problems in the world - one's you can do something about and those you can't. If you can do something about it well there's no point worrying about it. And if you can't there's no point either. Gareth
3. Efficiency is just intelligent laziness. Words to live by. The more efficient I can be, the more time I have to sit around on my arse doing what I feel like doing, not what I have to do. F1 Kate
4. I like to think of my mantra not as greedy but as opportunistic and assertive. I always say to myself, “If you don't ask, you don't get!” I apply this to mainly things I think people are chucking out like dresses or their left over dinner but sometimes I apply it to the bigger things in life like job opportunities. If I want something I have to ask for it, it's not going to be handed to me on a plate (unless it's the leftover dinner). I've been told I'm not supposed to ask guys out but if I didn't ask I certainly wouldn't get. Squeamish Nicola
5. My mantras aren't wise messages I use to remind myself of my humility or reassure myself of my marvellousness. The best way to calm myself down is usually to amuse myself so I usually recall a news story I found funny. The one that I usually return to is “A squid so big it baffles”. It is from a news story about a giant squid going on display at the Natural History Museum, I would very much like to see it. A squid so big it baffles... Squeamish Kate