2. Vom before bed = clear head. Ok I made that rhyme up, but I have encountered some who swear by this. I can’t possibly endorse this. The world is divided up into vomiters and non vomiters. One half can get it over and done with in a business-like manner; the other could never even attempt a silent Technicolor yawn. I can’t imagine this would do anything other than make you feel worse and it’s bad for your teeth. Think of your teeth!
3. Lucozade. Lucozade has had a little bit of a makeover since it first came on the scene. Once the drink of invalids it is now the drink of athletes. I am guessing if you’re hungover then the only relay you’re thinking of taking part in involves the toilet. Lucozade and other sports drinks contain electrolytes that keep you hydrated apparently. Although as Lucozade says itself (on the label, not… out loud) it is not to be used to replace diarrheal fluids so…I don’t know, keep that in mind or something.
4. A run, followed by a smoothie. I agree fresh air is probably just what the doctor ordered, perhaps a gentle stroll rather than a run is best to keep your brain in its casing. Trawling the internet I have happened upon a gem of a smoothie recipe, involving bananas, milk, a mango and crushed aspirin. The sugar spike and potassium get you going again apparently.
5. Curl up in the foetal position until it goes away. This is the easiest cure that involves the least effort. Stay in bed, inform yourself you’ll never drink again and hope to drift back to blissful sleep. Waking only to sip water.