2. The Bra-burner. A favourite little prefix to the word feminist, this is one of many historical facts that never happened. I have heard that it was planned at the 1968 Miss America pageant but a fire permit could not be found, seeing as they crowned a sheep without whatever livestock permit is no doubt required I doubt this is true. However the image of feminine accoutrements in a trashcan contributed to this myth. The very idea activist women would burn bras is nonsense, you can’t march on an empty stomach nor with an unfettered tit.
3. The Fun Sponge. Feminists have an undeserved reputation as humourless miseries. My feminist friends are some of the funniest people I know. All campaigners and organisers know the importance of being able to put on a fun event, so it goes against the grain to be earnest miserablists, whatever you’re fighting for.
4. The Bearded Ladies. Usually only a comma away from ‘bra-burning’ is some mention of hairy legs. Here’s the deal, some women are hairy and feminist. Some of these hirsute feminists decide to remove this hair, some don’t. I can give you the health warning that feminism won’t make you sprout hairs from your chin, you’re thinking of the menopause.
5. The Green-eyed Monstress. We all know the real reason feminists question or complain about lap-dancers or Page 3 models is of course because they’re just jealous. Nobody would want to see a feminist in a magazine. Apart from feminist Sophie Ellis-Bextor, maybe feminist Kat Dennings? Perhaps feminist Rosario Dawson? I know, GROSS, no wonder these women identify as feminists.
Squeamish Kate