2. I call tit-sling! Becky Shepherd
3. Woke up really excited at the beginning of the week thinking I had dreamed up a good bra name. But then it was Boulder Holder! Hmm. Squeamish Louise
4. I don't think I have ever heard a slang term for a bra. Which is odd since I went to an all girls catholic school and we seemed to have a phrase for everything female orientated in our lives AKA everything outside of Our Lord Jesus. And that's Mary. Since my life scarring run in with a strapless bra from Marks and Spencer (I should have ripped up the 30 quid gift voucher and sued!) I have chosen to evermore look unfavourably upon bras. I refer to the push up kind as "Chin cushion making, metal lined, lung crushing, flesh scarring, instruments of torture." I know, catchy right? Squeamish Nicola
5. Please don't give them a new name! 'Bra' is the only simple thing about them. They are difficult to buy, remove, adjust, and wash. Please think of the men! Why does nobody ever think of the men? Gareth