We are kind of sick of new year's resolutions, so instead we decided to reveal our predictions for 2014, please refer back come 31st December 2014 to see how eeriely correct we were...
2. I don't want my predictions to be pessimistic. But it's hard not to think that this year is going to see the continued parcelling-up and selling off of the NHS. And with that and the post office flogged off, I can practically visualise cabinet ministers rubbing their hands over the next thing they might be able to privatise. Water? Air? Hugs? Hey, the free market will provide if we only allow it to do its job unfettered... On the bright side, I think that 2014 is going to be the year when we finally start to see the resistance to this weaselly bunch of politicians get more attention from the mainstream press, and therefore to grow. Because even though I talked to a lot of moderate people over the holidays, I didn't hear one word in favour of the government. The tide has definitely turned and I hope the political landscape looks different by 2015. Squeamish Louise
3. England will get knocked out of the World Cup super early, as all non-football fans expected, but completely surprising those with St George crosses on their houses/cars YET AGAIN, despite the fact that it has happened every four years since 1970. F1Kate
4. Rocket boots. I've just got a feeling... Squeamish Kate
5. Jumping on The Guardian article bandwagon I predict or at least second the the demise of Facebook. As my boredom of my Facebook feed increases (why only news from girls I knew in primary school?) and I fondly recall decades now twenty years old, I can only imagine anyone younger and more interested in current popular culture will leave fuddy duddy old Facebook and its online scrapbook of photos and event invites you always miss in a 2013 that's gone and already forgotten by them.Squeamish Nicola