2. There are lots of festivals all the time and days celebrating things. Just little everyday things of half the population, or fathers, things like that. I'm a pretty big fan of pens. No I didn't miss out the 'I'. Pens are very useful. I like being able to scribble down thoughts, shopping lists and notes in meetings. A festival of pens would be good - we could spend the day wearing all white outfits writing all over each other and then maybe straddle some giant pens and ride them down the High Street! Squeamish Nicola
3. I love a parade or festival. I really do. I'd love to come up with a clever idea that makes you think or sheds light on a deserving group or member (geddit?! Penis festival! Snort). But what I really, really want to see is a parade of pugs. All I want is to see lots and lots of pugs be carried or dragged (I've never seen a pug trotting down the road, only refusing to walk) down a parade route, ending in a park where I play with them all but have no responsibility regarding pug poop. Squeamish Kate
4. I want a parade. Actually, I want lots of parades. Why are we saving them for the big stuff? Stuff's hard. Getting out of bed in the morning is a pain in the ass. Motivating yourself to do anything more vaguely productive than collapsing on a sofa staring at a screen is difficult. We should reward our abuility to overcome laziness. A parade for flossing your teeth! A pop-up festival to celebrate cooking dinner! A fairground because you turned in that report!Only problem is, who's going to organise them? And will the organisers want a parade thrown in their honour for having put your parade together? After all, parade-throwing is hard work. Squeamish Louise