These feminist attacks have not been cited so it's hard to know precisely what attacks in Canada Janet is talking about. I have heard nothing on the news about it and seen nothing in the feminist media regarding a victory about male maiming. Unless those who troll Men's Rights Activist sites are way more powerful than I realised or Janet think the hashtag #killallmen used by some Twitter feminists is incitement.
The recurring mistaken idea that feminism = misandry has meant many people who believe in equal rights choose to distance themselves from feminism or deride it publicly. Simply because they don't want to denounce men and boys. | [feminism] is about transcending these binaries. |
The petition currently has 1452 signatories, some of whom have given reasons such as: "It's time to stop the war on men & boys. It is physically & emotionally destructive to men & boys. Women do NOT deserve more rights, legal protections, or government funding then men. Support EQUAL RIGHTS for men." Of course one gender cannot be more equal than another. It's not clear how equal rights can be enforced in favour of one group.
More confusingly one commenter brings up the case of Elliott Rodger as their reason for feminism being dangerous "After the 'feminist' decided it was okay to step of the victims of Elliot Rodgers. At that point I knew there was no ignoring these people. They aren't fighting for anyone but themselves." I actually don't know what that is supposed to mean but it's pretty distressing that a hate crime against women can be interpreted as some kind of feminist agenda.
The commenters all report being very afraid and seem to believe feminists are brainwashed and brainwashing. What isn't clear is what they are afraid of and what they have to lose. In the meantime people who identify as women are dying because of their womanhood across the globe. Seems there are other petitions that need your signature. There is feminist terror. We are terrified.
Squeamish Kate