Well, that's second year done! In addition to eight hours of exams I also had four pieces of assessed work to submit, comprising two 3000 word essays and two 5000 word research projects. Feedback and marks for the exams won't be in until all are complete. Feedback and marks on assessed work is all now in.
A good friend of mine had cancer 12 years ago, and very sadly it has returned, and her tumour is inoperable. It's inoperable not so much because of its level of aggression but because of its location. Removal of the tumour would also mean removal of her bladder and part of her bowel and quite likely a kidney too, so that she would end up with a washing line of external bags hanging about her person.
Not surprisingly, she would prefer to leave the tumour where it is thank you very much. So she is having radiotherapy every day for 27 days with the distinct hope the tumour will shrink. | I went for a pee three times whilst she sat there, while she was fine and didn't even need to go once it was over. |
It was my turn to take her for her radiotherapy today. She told me she ought not to have overdone it at the weekend. When I asked her what she had done, she said she went segwaying! If mind over matter works, then she is better already.
My mum has a hernia and has had a CAT scan recently to pinpoint exact location prior to surgery, which necessitated an iodine drip and the drinking beforehand of a jug of liquid which contained some sort of marker. Once this had been drunk, my mum sat and waited her turn. I went for a pee three times whilst she sat there, while she was fine and didn't even need to go once it was over. Not until we got home did she let it all out! Oh for a bladder like that!
Last year I did a piece for the Sociology Department's webpage regarding my experiences of life as a mature student there. Somebody from the department then asked if I would be willing to be filmed. Apparently the website is going upmarket and they are having a page about exchange students, a page about overseas students and now there is a page on mature students, but that should read mature student (singular) because when you take a look at the webpage, there is just lil ol' me flying the flag for the over fifties!
Squeamish Sue - Watch Sue fly the flag for the over fifties here!