The survey reports that 82% of women prefer to pay for their own dinner on the first date and 52% would pay to bill. Of the women surveyed 89% would turn down any offer to help carry their heavy shopping bags and 78% of women would not accept the husband or boyfriend's coat on a cold day.
Considering, as Gareth pointed out to me yesterday, that: “it is probably worth remembering that chivalry was invented as a form of social control over hired killers and mercenaries” it is rather an odd thing to yearn for, or feel fake nostalgia for. Sigh, remember the days when a candle lit dinner was enjoyed and paid for before the raping and pillaging? Not really. | “it is worth remembering that chivalry was invented as a form of social control over hired killers" |
It is not Fitzwilliam Darcy's ability to exit a lake so elegantly (assuming many people have merged him with Colin Firth in their heads) nor his Regency stiffness that appeals, it could be argued, but his ability to self re-evaluate thanks to Elizabeth Bennet's valid criticism of him. James Bond...I can't explain. I always feel women are often just told these 3 (along with new addition Christian Grey – making it 4 I suppose) characters make us go weak at the knees and it's easier for us just to say 'Oh, OK' than bother to elaborate on how we like aspects of these men WHO AREN'T REAL.
This morning on Radio 4's Today programme writer Henry Hitchings discussed his new book on English manners Sorry! The English and Their Manners with the interrupting presenter ('interrupting presenter wh'-'ANSWER THE QUESTION!') John Humphrys. Hitchings pointed out that: “Manners are a social lubricant.” Good manners contribute towards a pleasant atmosphere, they are not a chat up line. Expecting manners to encourage reciprocal manners is reasonable, treating them as though they are finite and therefore should be rewarded with sex is, well it's not polite.
Since women conquered the once mighty door it seems we have become more choosy. We want to decide whether or not we pay for a meal we have been invited to, choose to support ourselves or not and worse pick our own partners. I mean GEEZ ladies what do you want?! It's like you're individual humans or something. Unacceptable!
Squeamish Kate