No, of course you didn't. It wasn't presented like that. The boys and the venue who took part in the incident (that I don't think is by any means isolated - I've seenSun, Sea and Suspicious Parents) hardly featured in the reports. Instead the focus is on the girl. Which is nice, usually any female in a news story featuring men doesn't get precedence but in this one she does! Why? Because she performed a sex act - as part of a game to win a prize in Magaluf.
As more information came out about the video of the girl performing sex acts in front of a baying crowd it turned out she actually thought she was doing it to win holiday. At which some of the media seemed to think it was slightly more OK. Oh, she's just like those girls who go topless on Big Brother, we don't like them but they are in for a lot of cash if their flash plan works.
I don't know if it's more ok because the girl thought the prize was bigger. I think the prize isn't really the most important bit of the story, as does the Daily Mail, who knows what's important: What was she wearing as she did it? (Pink hot pants - Satan's uniform).
The Mirror, who posted the video of the girl up on their website reported quotes from people who had seen the video, all of whom were outraged.
Outraged because as the girl seems to be heavily intoxicated this could be interpreted as abuse? Outraged that you can hear her being encouraged by the crowd? Outraged at Carnage Magaluf for organising such a game? Nah man, we worried about her morals. We couldn't even bring ourselves to concern troll this young woman. | Once we are sure that the woman feels a wave of hot shame every time she hears the words 'cocktail' 'Magaluf' and 'hotpants' we can move on, right? |
"That video of the girl in Magaluf is just disgraceful.. Lost faith in humanity for today"
"Disgraced by the girl in Magaluf and her antics with 24 men for a free drink! Morals and self respect should be taught from a young age," said one.
Okay, so we are all school marming this person. That's not cool but it will blow over after a couple of morning television show features with hosts and guests looking suitably disapproving. Once we are absolutely sure that the young woman feels a wave of hot shame every time she hears the words 'cocktail' 'Magaluf' and 'hotpants' we can move on, right?
Carnage Magaluf, the organisers of the game in which the girl partook, tweeted that: "All you need to do is look at the video and you can see she clearly isn't drunk and knows what she is doin [sic]. Definitely not forced in any way."We are not responsible for the girls actions. The girl and her 8 friends bought tickets for the next BARCRAWL as they said it was AMAZING!" These tweets from Friday have since been deleted. But, it pains me to say it, could we learn something from Carnage Magaluf? Even if they do seem incredibly sleazy...
It's interesting that we have all assumed that the girl is in a shame spiral. We also seem to have completely disregarded the men who took part - for them it is but a fond lads holiday memory. Why can't it just be that for the girl?
Unless of course she had a coldsore.
Squeamish Kate