Moffat, who has spent the last year saying that multiple Doctors will not appear in the 50th episode, proves once again that he, like The Doctor, lies. Or at least manipulates the truth, this wasn't the 50th anniversary, but featured every (or at least most of them - I didn't see Paul McGann or David Tennant, but am prepared to believe I missed them) previous Doctor. He claimed there would be no two-parters this series, but this was totally the first half of the fiftieth anniversary episode. In an age where every spoiler is revealed months in advance this was a huge coup!
Anyway, enough with negative. This was an episode with Madam Vastra et al, River Song, Richard E Grant returning as the Great Intelligence and John Hurt as an evil version of The Doctor or possibly The Valeyard (both of who were fantastic, by the way) and the first (proper) multiple Doctor sTtory since the 2007 Comic Relief mini-episode Time Crash where David Tennant met his future father-in-law Peter Davision - let's embrace the sheer awesomeness on offer! | viewers will be wishing this disappointing summer will just bugger off so we can see the conclusion |
All in all it was an amazing episode, but one which deserved a better series to lead up to it. This series has been the patchiest by far since Moffat took over. However, it managed it's main function, without a doubt, the vast majority of viewers will be looking at their calendars this week and wishing this disappointing summer will just bugger off so we can see the conclusion.