What’s caused all this destruction? Well. In a betrayal to my P.E phobic teenage self, I’ve taken up a demanding sport.
Taking our lead from the Baby Boomers and Generation X’s refusal to grow up, Squeamish Louise and I have enrolled in a 6 week hoola-hooping course.
I mean I have signed up to a course that requires ‘loose, comfortable clothing’.
The blurb about the class informed us that hoola-hooping not only builds core strength and cardio fitness but also calms and focuses the mind. How could my mind be calm when on the run up to the class I was readying myself to be told;
‘I’m sorry Kate, I’m afraid you’re pelvically challenged. You will never hoola-hoop’.
Jo Mondy, our teacher at LiveLoveHoop, assured me everybody could learn to hula-hoop.
Let me tell you what the sound of 15 hula-hoops clattering to the ground sounds like; amusing SHAME. Let me tell you what the sound of 1 hula-hoop clattering to the ground as my stomach muscles fail to rotate it; The sound of loneliness.
Yeah it turns out most people are somewhat familiar with hula-hooping from childhood. I am not. But after some thrusting, which is what hooping’s all about, I managed to keep the hoop up! Go me! Everybody can learn to hula-hoop!
Since the first class I have perfected basic hooping (almost), hooping with my hand (almost) and the lasso move (almost). I have even invested in my own hoop, which is sparkly orange and black. Were I such a person I’d name it. But I’m not, so it’s just my hoop.
I am very fond of my nameless hoop though. Not a day goes by when I don’t answer a knock at my door with the sentence, “come in, I was just hooping”.
Hooping is great for those who never did well at team sports in school. It’s also good for the competitive (me) because you can improve pretty quickly. Although you do get homework.
Squeamish Kate
Squeamish Kate and Louise attended livelovehoop at Brighton Natural Health Centre