Last month’s Future Contraception Initiative conference has revealed we are on the brink of the male contraceptive and it is no longer just a hypothetical pill dismissed by women who insist men would forget to take it.
Another form of male contraception in the works is a gel or implant using MENT®. MENT® is a synthetic steroid that, unlike normal steroids, will not enlarge the prostate. It suppresses sperm cell development with no detriment to the sex drive. Because it can infiltrate the blood stream through the skin it is not metabolised through the liver, therefore decreasing hormonal side effects.
There’s also something for those who don’t want to use hormones. It’s been known for 90 years or so that vitamin A is required for healthy sperm production. But only in the 1980s did researchers at the marvellously named pharmaceutical company Bristol-Meyers Squibb discover that a pan-retinoic acid receptor antagonist could disrupt sperm maturity. This method contraception is all very far in the future, currently more testing is required.
So men, in the next few years you should have the power to protect your sperm from the sperm stealers Liz Jones has revealed us women to be.