Orot pupils in their immodest uniform
School girls in Bet Shemesh ranging from the age of 6 to 12 from an Orthodox Jewish community are being harassed on their way to school by grown men from an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, Haredim. The men call the little girls sluts and whores and throw faeces as their mothers walk them to the school gates.
I heard a report about this on the eve of Yom Kippur on the Today programme (I realise I seem to shoehorn some kind of shout out to the BBC in every piece I do) which you can listen to here but was unable to find any more coverage until today (proving my google skills aren’t up to much, the BBC [oh, HAI BBC] posted a report on the 10th). Harriet Sherwood in the today’s Guardian has also broached the subject.
I heard a report about this on the eve of Yom Kippur on the Today programme (I realise I seem to shoehorn some kind of shout out to the BBC in every piece I do) which you can listen to here but was unable to find any more coverage until today (proving my google skills aren’t up to much, the BBC [oh, HAI BBC] posted a report on the 10th). Harriet Sherwood in the today’s Guardian has also broached the subject.
So, question 1, why are these men doing this? They claim the girls are dressing immodestly, keeping in mind these are girls who are from an Orthodox community, their skirts are knee length if not below and their sleeves are to the elbow. Instead of looking away, let alone not coming to the school gates these men scream at the girls and their mothers every morning, before spending the rest of the day in holy contemplation. As Sherwood explains these demonstrators are not interested in justifying their actions to the media, however one gave a quote, which will no doubt be used in the tabloids in bold font, “even an eight-year-old draws my eyes”. Writer Graham Lineham (@Glinner) tweeted the quote followed by the comment “There are no words”. Of course one or two spring to mind.
Question 2, no really, why are they doing this? It appears the screaming at girls, pupil's parents have reported an increase in bed-wetting, nightmares and anxiety in their daughters, is essentially part of a turf war. The school building is on the edge of an ultra-Orthodox area and the Haredim believe their children should have it instead. A mother of an Orot school pupil worries the Haredim men, "will do almost anything to get what they want".
Question 3, what is being done about this? There are some Haredim women who have also taken to coming to the school gates. In protest against the actions of these men from their small community, the women tell the girls they are beautiful and give them flowers. The leaders of the Haredim community have yet to admonish these zealots, who are continuing to gather outside the Orot school gates.
Question 2, no really, why are they doing this? It appears the screaming at girls, pupil's parents have reported an increase in bed-wetting, nightmares and anxiety in their daughters, is essentially part of a turf war. The school building is on the edge of an ultra-Orthodox area and the Haredim believe their children should have it instead. A mother of an Orot school pupil worries the Haredim men, "will do almost anything to get what they want".
Question 3, what is being done about this? There are some Haredim women who have also taken to coming to the school gates. In protest against the actions of these men from their small community, the women tell the girls they are beautiful and give them flowers. The leaders of the Haredim community have yet to admonish these zealots, who are continuing to gather outside the Orot school gates.