2. Christmas stole my birthday. Being born in Christmas week is pants. When you're a kid, family obligations override birthday party invites, and when you're older no one has the money or energy for an extra night out between Christmas and NYE. And that's without even going into cheapskates trying to palm you off with combined presents. I hate Christmas.F1 Kate
3. 'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house [flat] not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; then I woke up and vomited. I continued to vomit until Boxing day. Meaning I missed Christmas dinner, totally harshed on my family's buzz and my general sense of Christmas cheer went down the toilet. Squeamish Kate
4. The worst Christmas I ever had was at the age of 14. We went to friends of my parents while the dinner was cooking. These friends were utter alcoholics and there were open bottles of booze everywhere. Naturally as a teenager I took advantage of this and I proceeded to get utterly plastered. So plastered that I missed Christmas dinner as I was passed out on the floor of our bathroom. I have a vague memory of my dad screaming at me, but that's pretty much it until the evening. My gran was told I'd eaten too many chocolates and had to have a lie down. They didn't even leave me any leftovers! I missed out on Christmas dinner entirely that year.Gareth
5. Christmas for me was ruined when I went to my friend's school's Christmas party, I was six. As you can imagine apart from the dancing and fizzy pop the main attraction was Father Christmas was coming right at the very end to hand out presents. I was very, VERY excited to be meeting him, like One-Direction-fan-Harry-loving excited. I was quite small and ended up at the back of the queue for Father Christmas. I waited patiently and excitedly and slowly the children ran off with their presents. Suddenly I was standing in front of the man himself. He looked down at me and then looked into the red sack. Then he looked at me and said "I don't have any more presents". He may as well have crushed my little heart with his white-gloved fist. I smiled through the pain,I walked away and my friend's mum asked where my present was. When I explained she was furious and then dragged me back to Father Christmas and began having an argument with him. Father Christmas argued back. I stood teary eyed, my hopes and dreams SHATTERED! Squeamish Nicola