2. I didn't take any time off work apart from the bank holidays so you'd think it would have been less of a shock to the system going back to 'normal' this week. Not so. I didn't realise how used I had become to the relatively quiet public transport, deserted offices and expectation that everything stops at 5pm so we can all get back to the important business of shovelling mince pies and mulled wine down our gullets. Suddenly I'm surrounded by noisy, driven people on health kicks. There's only one way to deal with this and it is to resolutely pretend it is still December. I am cheerfully telling anyone who asks that I am going to make and start my resolutions in February because I need to spend January readjusting and preparing by drinking all the leftover booze and eating up all the cheese. Look outside - it's miserable. This is no time of year to be denying yourself anything. Have another cake and put the TV back on. Squeamish Louise
3. How do I deal with the end of a holiday I can't stand? Easy - I breathe a sigh of relief, pack a small bag, and head off to Amsterdam to celebrate my birthday. Tradition. F1Kate
4. I actually quite like the whole idea of new starts and out with the old in with the new. Yes I am a sucker for that - I blame all those teen films and books in which a student returns to school after a long hot summer completely changed and suddenly loved. I love Christmas but often suffer from Christmas fatigue so hoovering away the pine sheddings and replacing season earworms with classic Smiths songs is pleasant. What I can't deal with is the jolt back to early starts. If you can't deal with no Christmas to look forward to I suggest you set your sights on the fast approaching Valentine's day, which I am already receiving press releases about. Squeamish Kate