When our children's children's children (not Jennifer Aniston's, obviously) look back at the Aniston, Jolie, Pitt triangle (for it will go down in history and on the curriculum: the six wives of Henry VIII then the six kids of Angelina and Brad) will they study the media's peculiar and rude obsession with one woman's childfree life or one woman's peculiar refusal to have a child, or six?
We don't know, and don't need to know whether Aniston is childfree by choice or circumstances. We also don't seem to know that it's none of our business. Which is probably why Jennifer Aniston has not revealed why she is not with child. | Aniston is one of America's Sweethearts and to not want children makes you a cold hearted bitch. |
It's also apparently difficult to consider because Aniston is one of America's Sweethearts and to not want children makes you a cold hearted bitch. Unless you're fun. Like Cameron Diaz who was pushed to explain her childfree state with practical reasons: "It's so much more work to have children...To have lives besides your own that you are responsible for - I didn't take that on. That did make things easier for me. A baby - that's all day, every day for 18 years. Not having a baby might really make things easier, but that doesn't make it an easy decision."
Oh yeah and she doesn't want an effing baby: "I was never drawn to being a mother."
So stop asking.
Squeamish Kate